January 2001

Small-Cap Aficionado

by Raymond Fazzi

Liberty Acorn Fund‚s Ralph Wanger thinks small caps are due for a reprise after five years of lackluster performance.

Multiclient Family Offices


Next step in the profession‚s evolution?


by Eva Marer and Laura Williams-Rohr

It‚s a malaise brought on by sudden wealth, and more clients are asking what to do about it, particularly when it comes to their children.

A New Day

by Tracey Longo

A vibrant 21-person planning shop that helps clients confront their money values has emerged from Kathleen Day‚s own quality-of-life struggles.

Tech Meltdown Hasn't Stopped The Bulls

by Timothy Middleton

Enthusiasts say fundamentals haven‚t changed–tech stocks are still the place to be.

Special Needs Trusts - Misunderstood, Underutilized


Advisors and attorneys make mistakes with these trusts that are costly to clients.

Aggregate Or Bust

by Eva Marer

Advisors who don‚t consolidate their performance reporting are likely to lag others.

Making His Own Mark

by Marla Brill

John C. Bogle Jr. is building an investment-management firm and a small-cap quant fund.