5. “The biggest culture shift of all time.”
The consumer internet is 18 years old noted Vaynerchuk.  We are just starting to figure out how it works for businesses and it is going to keep evolving. 

6. “Technology and evolution don’t care about any of us.”
Changes are rapidly taking place whether we like it or not.  He gave the example of making and receiving phone calls.  The younger generations do not want them as they feel they are a massive burden. 

He gave another example of how we DVR TV we later watch, but many organizations are still spending a boat load of money on traditional advertisements that we fast forward and do not watch.

Even if we do watch them, most of the attendees admitted, through a show of hands, they have multiple screens up, while TV is on.  In other words, they have a laptop, tablet and/or smart phone they are using.

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