3. Communicate In Clear Terms

During a recent meeting with one of my firm’s teams, I began by saying that I wasn’t 100% satisfied with how things had been going, but instead of placing blame on team members, I put it on myself. I said I didn’t feel that I’d communicated clearly enough or often enough with them, and that despite this they’d achieved remarkable accomplishments. I then clearly explained what we need to do going forward. Everyone left the room invigorated and recharged.

One of the biggest culprits behind burnout is miscommunication—you might be operating under one impression while your staff operates under another. Meetings like the one we held, where clear and concise directions on how to succeed are laid out, help ensure everyone is in sync. That goes a long way toward preventing and curing burnout.

4. Recognize Good Performance

One of the surest ways to build morale is to give public credit to those who deserve it. Otherwise your staff members will feel their achievements aren’t noticed and their work is undervalued. They might stop giving their best or even quit. Both are manifestations of burnout. Recognition and rewards build motivation. That’s why we hold an annual meeting to honor our top employees and recognize everyone for their years of service. Every six years, for example, employees get a paid four-week sabbatical (during which the person’s e-mail and cell phone are turned off) and after 10 years they each get a Rolex. If you’re not formally recognizing your employees’ accomplishments, you should start doing so.

5. Provide Relaxing Downtime

If your firm is anything like mine, it operates in a fast-paced environment. Your staff needs a little time to relax and rejuvenate now and then. In addition to an annual holiday party, we stage smaller events throughout the year, from “Glop Day” when we serve ice cream with lots of toppings to Stress Down Day. And we look for excuses (like completion of big projects or celebrating an award) to cater breakfast and lunch for the entire firm. I’m sure you can think of ways to provide occasional relaxation and downtime for your staff members, and if you can’t, they certainly can. Just ask them. Morale will rise simply because you asked.

These five steps have helped us resolve burnout. They can work just as well for you.

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