Sibling rivalry rarely turns into arguments about financial topics, according to research from Minneapolis-based Ameriprise Financial. But when it does, it’s usually about parents.

According to the firm’s “Family Wealth Checkup” study, only 15 percent of people have conflicts over finances with their brothers or sisters, despite the fact that they often have different views about money.

Sibling financial arguments typically revolve around other family members, according to the respondents; 68 percent of financial disagreements among brothers and sisters are about their parents.

For Ameriprise’s respondents, the most contentious issues are the ways an inheritance will be divided, whether one sibling is providing more support to the parents than the others and whether the parents are being fair in their financial support.

Less often, sibling arguments involve issues like different money values or spending habits, varying levels of income and issues involving repaying money, according to the respondents.

While most siblings do not fight about money, they still generally talk to one another about financial issues. Nearly two-thirds of Ameriprise’s respondents, 65 percent, said that they discuss money with their brothers and sisters.

More often than not, these discussions involve the financial fitness of another relative. The survey’s respondents also reported frequent discussions about their own financial goals and the cost of health care.

A few subjects were taboo to Ameriprise’s respondents: 66 percent of the respondents said they had never talked to their siblings about life insurance, while 58 percent had not discussed saving for a home and 55 percent had not discussed managing debt.

Financial philosophies don’t necessarily run in families. The study found that siblings tend to diverge from one another both in financial health and outlook. Sixty-three percent of the respondents to the Ameriprise study said their asset levels were different from their siblings’, and 57 percent said they approached financial decisions differently.

For the study, Ameriprise sponsored a survey of 2,700 Americans between the ages of 25 and 70, including more than 1,900 with siblings, between November 23 and December 15, 2016.