Advent CEO Stephanie DiMarco, in opening remarks at the company's annual conference in Boston, said the technology revolution is just beginning and "it's all about mobile."

DiMarco stated that there has been a revolution in technology since Advent's founding 28 years ago. If Moore's Law regarding the speedy advancement of technology was applied to the airline industry, she said, a flight from New York to Paris would now take a second and cost a penny.

Consumer technology is leading the way, she said, but the revolution in mobile business apps is just beginning. Referring to the iPad and the iPhone, she suggested that Apple is entering the enterprise market through the back door. Se predicted that Apple will "take over" the business enterprise market over the next ten years. As for Advent, DiMarco says that change is occurring and that the company is adapting. Advent is making big bets on enterprise computing and is more committed than ever to delivering solutions for its clients, she said.

She noted that the firm's 25th annual conference was the largest ever. It is also the first conference since the Black Diamond acquisition, with a number of sessions devoted specifically to Black Diamond clients, and prospects.

-Joel Bruckenstein