Principal Financial Adds Program For Business Owners

Des Moines, Iowa-based Principal Financial Group, a provider of 401(k) and employee benefits products, has added Principal Simplified Overhead Expense (OE) and Principal Simplified Disability Buy-Out (DBO) to its disability insurance sales programs.

Principal Simplified Overhead Expense and Principal Simplified Disability Buy-Out are for business owners who want to ensure that a disability will not negatively impact their businesses‚ success. Principal Simplified OE insurance reimburses a business owner for certain fixed business expenses until he or she can return to work. For businesses with two or more active owners, Principal Simplified DBO coverage provides the funds to buy out a disabled partner under a buy-sell agreement in the event of a long-term disability.

Provisions of Principal‚s Simplified Disability Insurance program include no routine medical requirements; an underwriting decision within 48 hours, once all required information is completed and received; no income verification required for OE cases; and $6,000 Maximum Monthly Benefit (any combination of Simplified OE and/or Simplified DBO).

For more information, contact Principal Financial Group‚s national sales desk at (800) 654-4278, option 6, or visit

Fidelity Expands Trust Services

Independent registered investment advisors working with Fidelity Investments can now access SunGard‚s AddVantage and Charlotte trust accounting and asset management systems.

Through an exclusive relationship between Boston-based Fidelity and Birmingham, Alabama-based SunGard Asset Management Systems, advisors now have access to an integrated brokerage platform and personal trust accounting capabilities, including cash management, trust statements and client access to portfolio and account information.

Fidelity Trustee Services offers advisors the ability to delegate administrative and reporting capabilities to Fidelity Personal Trust Company while maintaining investment management control. For more information about Fidelity‚s services for advisors, visit

ING Launches Program

ING has launched "401(k) Learn and Earn," an interactive, Web-based training program for brokers and advisors interested in selling 401(k)s or increasing their 401(k) business.

Through the program, advisors can learn about retirement plan types and terminology; identifying opportunities; reviewing resources, products and services; alternative delivery and service models; and gain an understanding of ING‚s products and services. Each module lasts approximately 15 minutes. Advisors completing all four modules receive a certificate of completion.

Advisors interested in participating should visit For additional questions, call ING at (888) 238-6243.

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