Scott said, "That's it, I guess."

I responded, "No, Scott, there's one more. With an improved Unique Value Proposition (UVP) supported by tight business beliefs, a unique and comprehensive process, you may consider raising your fees at some point. Your new message of value should be greatly appreciated by your clients. "Remember, Scott, if you're not providing any value but are getting paid, that's thievery; if you are providing value but not getting paid, that's philanthropy. If you are providing value and getting paid, well, Scott, that's what it's like to be a financial advisor in this new millennium."

Then I added, "You'll realize that pricing your value can only be accomplished if you know your value. So, what is Mr. Ideal really worth? Twenty-five more years in the business, $10,000 plus a year in revenues, add on the estimated lifetime value and what do you have? Close to $2,500,000 plus to your career over the next 25 years."

Take a look at your chart again, as a last column you could add a Retention factor. Rate Mr. Ideal in terms of retaining his long-term business. A 1.0 rating means you are 100% certain that his assets are staying with you. He is "in the safe."

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