You have to apply it.

And that's the challenge: The application of your new skills to the real world. To reach its highest level of validation, this application needs to help you achieve results. In your case, it might be increased assets or improved profitability, fewer clients, and/or improved quality of life.

What The Value Ladder Sounds Like

The following is a dialogue you could have with a prospect that illustrates how to effectively use the steps of the Value Ladder. This is the long version, but it can be used confidently with a prospect:

"Thank you, Bob, for allotting time for our meeting today. After reviewing your objectives, I have developed an agenda and some core, critical questions. As my first step, I would first like to review with you who I am, as well as provide some personal and professional background to give you a better perspective.

"The second area I would like to focus on is what I do. I've developed a compelling and unique value proposition. It's a statement that aligns my value to what I believe might be the areas in which you are interested.

"Next, I'd like to answer the question of why I do what I do. I have five core business beliefs that explain how I do business (invest funds, partner with clients). I'd like to spend some time with you to review these beliefs.

"The fourth area, Bob, is how I work with investors such as yourself. I have a very comprehensive, five-step process. And I'll be happy to illustrate this process for you.

"The fifth step in my presentation will give you a better sense of who else I have done this for. I enjoy working with individuals like you, and I'd like to share with you some of my clients' broader parameters and how I've been able to align my unique value to their needs.

"My sixth step is what makes me different. My clients want to know, specifically, how my practice is different, and how my solutions are different. I am prepared to talk more about what I stand for individually, and what you should expect from partnering with me.

"Last of all, and perhaps this might be one of the most important questions you may be thinking about, is why you should consider doing business with me. What's the real value, what do I bring to the table, and how do I connect to the things you value?