Philanthropy. Facebook is in a unique position to make the world a better place. That is not just because its executives just came into a boat load of money. It is because the social network can support charities like no other company can. For example, Priscilla Chan worked with Zuckerberg, now her husband, to have Facebook create an organ donation page that saw an amazing wave of registrations.  

The interesting thing Facebook can do is help the smaller donors unite to create sizable impacts, something the world has relied on the wealthiest individuals and families to do.

Innovation. What is critical to Facebook's success is that the users cannot just "like" it.  They need to love it.  That means the offering cannot get tired and boring.  With that said, many folks hate change, so the enhancements will have to continue to improve, while walking the tightrope of not upsetting the loyal "friends."

The future of Facebook will be an exciting thing to watch unfold, as it is not just a new public company, it is a communication and commerce revolution that will continue to change life as we know it.

Mike Byrnes founded Byrnes Consulting to provide consulting services to help advisors become even more successful. His expertise is in business planning, marketing strategy, business development, client service and management effectiveness, along with several other areas. Read more at

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