2. The timing of their retirement; 

3. The degree to which work has been satisfying for them and the degree to which retirement has been planned for; 

4. The expectations they have about retirement;

5. The degree to which a meaningful life is established for them; 

6. Their health; and

7. Their sense of financial security. 

For most of us, there will be many question marks around these items, and the answers may not be immediate. Many retire—and feel the timing is off. Others have expectations of a leisure life that becomes rote and joyless over time. Others feel their health is eroding because of inactivity, and still others start thinking that part-time engagement and a little extra cash make them feel a lot better about their situation.

Schlossberg identified the following attitudes common to newbies at retirement:

• Continuers are those who continue to pursue their existing skills and interests;

• Adventurers start entirely new endeavors;