To do this, you must have an action plan for the week.

  • Make a list of the negative, self-destructive thoughts that go through your mind every time you feel stressed in your career. Be honest with yourself and write them all down.

Example: “I get anxious each time the market tanks.”

  • Have a handy written list of positive, rational thoughts about your career, reminding yourself of past challenges and how you overcame them, and include testimonials from happy clients.

Example: “I will always remember how grateful and appreciative the Smith family was when I prepared them for a financially secure retirement.”

  • Remind yourself that you continue to help so many clients and their families maintain their wealth and security. Even though negative things happen (there are bad markets and errors are made, etc.), keep looking at these events as challenges that you can overcome.
  • If your assertiveness skills with disgruntled clients need a boost, you can learn how to become much more assertive (not aggressive). Call me for help in that area.
  • Visualize yourself comforting your clients by sticking to your core investment values and showing your clients how this strategy has paid off in the past and will continue to in the future. Demonstrate the same patience with the current environment that you want your clients to practice.
  • View your present situation as a challenge, not a threat. Don’t overanalyze and question yourself. Let go of things beyond your control. Focus forward and recognize that you will get through this to smooth sailing again.
  • You can discover a variety of mental toughness strategies that can be found in my book, The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide, and practice them daily. It’s really easy, and these are all very powerful techniques.

Dr. Jack Singer is a professional psychologist, speaker and a Stress Mastery Mentor for smart financial advisors like you. He is the author of The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide, which can be ordered in the FA Mag Bookstore, using this link: /book--ultimate-stress-mastery-guide. To learn more about Dr. Jack’s keynote speaking and exclusive mentoring services for financial advisors and his unique, referral-generating program for your next Client Appreciation Event, contact Jack at [email protected], call him at 1-800-497-9880 and read more at


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