The ocean has been one of the more neglected areas of impact investing. Check out any impact investment fund or the portfolio of any impact investor and you’ll see limited to zero exposure to fisheries and fishing, never mind conservation efforts.

Government and foundations largely have been the leaders in facilitating these efforts.

But that may be changing.

Led by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, a “Save the Oceans Feed the World” project is under way and aimed at providing commercial incentives to support fisheries. A reported $53 million is being wielded by the campaign, which will involve a series a impact investments.

EKO Asset Management Partners, in association with Bloomberg Philanthropies, Oceana and The Rockefeller Foundation last week released a report that showed how these impact investments could work to save the oceans and provide financial returns. Check out the report here.

Nearly 1 billion people rely on fish as their major source of daily protein. Ninety percent of all life on Earth resides in our oceans. Oceans occupy 70% of the Earth’s surface. And oceans are the biggest contributor to weather patterns. So it’s about time that the impact investment community got on board and figured out ways to stop overfishing and to protect fish at large. Ninety percent of all the big fish on Earth are gone, their stocks depleted.

Impact investments can and should help maintain healthy oceans for us all.

National Geographic even looked at the impact of impact investing on the oceans. The society's take is here.

More efforts and education are needed. Which is to say, more investments.