The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires all health insurance plans to cover 10 "essential benefits" in 2014. How much of the cost covered may vary. Many existing health plans do not provide coverage for all of these services.

The 10 essential benefits include:


1. Outpatient care







2. Trips to the emergency room






3. Treatment in the hospital for inpatient care









4.  Care for a baby before and after birth








5.  Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment, counseling and psychotherapy







6.  Prescription drugs








 7. Services and devices to help a person recover if he or she is injured, or has a disability or chronic condition. This includes physical and occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, psychiatric rehabilitation, low vision aids, hearing aids and augmentative communication devices and more.






8. Lab tests








 9.  Preventive services including counseling, screenings, and vaccines to keep people healthy and care for managing a chronic disease








10.  Pediatric services, including dental care and vision care for kids






Sources: Habilitation Benefits Coalition,