Asset Manager Showcase


Featuring Keynote and General Session Presentations by Ric Edelman, William H. Miller, Steven M.H. Wallman and Donald Yacktman, plus 20 Portfolio Managers and Specialists representing established, boutique, emerging and undiscovered managers.


Click Here for Complimentary Registration
For Advisors who perform their own research and portfolio manager selection,
Due Diligence Officers, Research Directors/Managers, Analysts and CIO’s

Complimentary Registration Includes a Special Day-Two Post Conference Workshop with Ric Edelman: Practice Management Secrets Special 3-Hour Session: How to Get More Clients, and How to Keep Them.

Click here to view the agenda
Click here to reserve your hotel room

Follow us on Twitter @#fa-amspga for conference discussions


Ric Edelman

Ric Edelman
Chairman and CEO
Edelman Financial


Portfolio Manager Presenters Include:

Nicholas Alonso, CFA® - PanAgora Asset Management
Isaac Braley - BTS Asset Management  
Brody J. Browe - Franklin Square Capital Partners
Mark E. Eveans, CFA® - Meritage
Bernard R. Horn Jr. - Polaris Capital Management, LLC
Jeffrey Kolitch - Baron Real Estate Fund
Allyson McDonald - Ellevate Network
Michael Miller - Wellesley Investment Advisors, Inc.
Charlie Schoenherr - Lehman Brothers
Dan Thibeault - GL Capital Partners
Bryant H. VanCronkhite, CFA - Wells Fargo Special Mid Cap Equity
Michael Winchell - Larkin Point Investment Advisors LLC

The Showcase streamlines the traditional fund screening, selection and due diligence path for Financial Advisors, RIAs, Research Managers and Portfolio Managers by providing access, insight and interaction in a research oriented setting that empowers decision makers and fosters informational exchange, networking and enhancement of personal relationships. Each event will attract over 100 leading RIAs, financial advisors, due diligence officers, fiduciaries and research managers, for a day and a half of manager presentations, focused on the investment capabilities and insights of select investment management firms and their sub-advisors.

Open to leading advisors, fiduciary gatekeepers, due diligence and research managers from across multiple industry channels.
Advisors and gatekeepers gain insight from 35-minute individual portfolio manager, and subject matter presentations covering a broad range of highly relevant and timely topics.
Benefit from networking opportunities available throughout the event.
Get the latest thinking on current events and insight on how leading portfolio managers are implementing their strategies in today's volatile market.
Registration includes breakfast and lunch on both day-one and day-two, evening cocktail reception on day-one, and networking breaks throughout. 

Registration questions? Contact Linda Dunn at [email protected]
or 732.450.8866, ext. 36.