Your March 2020 cover story, “How Advisors Generate Income for Clients,” was very surprising and somewhat upsetting to me.
Should the collapse in the price of oil have been as big a shocker to the financial markets as it turned out to be?
Forgive me for being in a grouchy mood, but it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I’m in the office closing a big issue.
In the recent article on long-term care insurance (“LTC Carriers Dumping Policyholders,” April 2013), Financial Advisor missed a valuable opportunity to have a fair, reasonable...
In this month’s cover story, senior editor Eric Rasmussen profiles Jane Williams, who co-founded Sand Hill Global Advisors in Palo Alto, Calif., just about three decades ago.
Collection of letters sent to our Editor from our monthly readers.
The November 2012 issue of FA included an article by John Bogle: “The New Pension Plan.”
While I agree with much of what MarketCounsel founder and managing director Brian Hamburger has to say in his article “Sleight of Hand,” published in your October 2012 issue, I feel compelled to...
Letter to the Editor
Great August Issue Your editor's note in the August issue was absolutely accurate: This issue was great! The Harold Evensky article ("Maybe MPT Isn't Dead," Harold Evensky,...
Ever since last September, when an ordinary bear market turned vicious and a mild recession became the Great Recession, a certain type of individual keeps surfacing in my thoughts...
CFP Board Ethics Procedures I am writing regarding your Web site posting of May 20 ("CFP Board Picks Five Members For Discipline And Ethics Commission")...
If you are interested in submitting a letter regarding our articles in this issue,
Great Redesign Wow! Great redesign! The magazine really looks fantastic...
A Profession, Almost In reading the cover story ("Why Aren‚t We There Yet?") by David Drucker in the April edition of Financial Advisor, we found...
Divorce Statistics Misleading With a handful of gay/lesbian clients, I was interested in the article, "With Gay Marriage Comes Gay Divorce" in the brand...