July 2009

Surviving The Storm


Account sizes, staff and profits have shrunk, but far more firms gained clients than lost them.

Advisors Who Get Fired

by Andrew Gluck

In tough times, good advisors should be able to broach touchy subjects with their clients.

Do Something!

by J. Michael Martin

If MPT and the stock market are hurting your business, here are some things you can do about it.

How Much Is Too Much?

by David Lawrence

Outsourcing can help advisors who try to tackle too much alone.

The Ideal Client Community

by Bill Bachrach

It's one that generates enough money to make your business work and has clients you enjoy.

Something To Believe In

by Mitch Anthony

What is it that makes people do stupid things with their money? The sound of the herd, plain and simple.

Avoiding The Tax Man

by Mary Rowland

Moving out of a state might help a client save taxes; moving out of the U.S. probably won't.

Formatting Fallacies

by Joel P. Bruckenstein

Choosing between TIFFs or PDFs for business records means understanding their pros and cons.

Rebuilding With BRICs


The Big Four of emerging markets are back in favor.

Small-Cap Value Is Beautiful Again

by James Picerno

Small firms trading at low multiples are especially vulnerable these days. That's why they're so appealing.

Taming The Bear With ETFs

by David J. Drucker

Clients upset? Maybe you should have used ETFs and Tom Lydon's simple investment strategy.

College Savers In Retreat

by Raymond Fazzi

New 529 plan sales are down in the wake of the market collapse, while plan participants retreat to ultraconservative options.

They Just Keep Coming Back

by Marla Brill

Fund manager Tim Hartch likes companies with repeat customers.

Managing In A Post- Economic Crisis Era

by Mitch Politzer

Invest in those who understand how profoundly different the world is and will be.

NAPFA Under Ethics Spotlight


After drawing unwanted attention when some of its members were recently accused of fraud, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors is wrestling with ways to ensure that members abide...

Compliance Concerns


There's a lot of buzz these days about potential changes in compliance rules and the impact on advisors.

6% Withdrawal Rate OK


What's the magic number for client withdrawal rates? Various research has long pointed to around 4%, but research in recent years has nudged that rate to higher levels.

Retirement's Health-Care Bite


According to a recent study from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a 65-year-old man who retires this year will need between $68,000 and $173,000 in current savings to have a fifty-fifty...

Advisor Emporium

Advisor Emporium

Invesco Aim Launches Balanced-Risk Fund Invesco Aim, an independent global investment management company based in Houston, is launching the AIM Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund...

Editor's Note

Editor's Note


Who's Winning? The primary reason we decided to embark upon our annual survey of leading RIAs four years ago was that it could provide readers with a glimpse of the...

Frontline News

Frontline News

NAPFA Under Ethics Spotlight After drawing unwanted attention when some of its members were recently accused of fraud, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors...