March 2016

Wanted: Women Financial Advisors


Seasoned advisors are helping women follow this career path.

What The 2016 Social Security Changes Mean


Your old plans are not irrelevant.

You’ve Got Style: Why And How You Must Let It Shine


Substance comes first, but style can reinforce it with clients.

A Different Type Of Campaign

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The power of content marketing in cultivating the ultra-wealthy.

Small And Capable


Small custodians may be uniquely qualified to service some firms.

A Smart Beta Primer


Not all strategies look alike.

What China Problem?


Are the naysayers right about China’s demise this time, and will the other emerging markets feel the butterfly effect of fluttering currency?

Fixed Index Annuities And Rising Interest Rates

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Could portfolios benefit from these vehicles?

Why The Economy Will Drive REITs


When it comes to equity REITs, some analysts say it’s more about the economy than interest rates.

Shooting For Singles


David Lee looks to hit a lot of singles, not home runs, in REITs.

Human Capital And Asset Allocation


Should a client’s job dictate what’s in his or her investment portfolio?

A Journey Of Generosity


Have you ever considered how much is enough?

Women Financial Advisors: Views From The Experts


Broker-dealers and advisor offices should be working closely with colleges in their area to identify female students interested in a financial services career.

Advisor Emporium

OppenheimerFunds Introduces Factor-Weighted ETFs


New York-based OppenheimerFunds has introduced a suite of eight factor-weighted ETFs, making the asset manager the latest entry into the smart beta space.

Editor's Note

Citi’s Global Death Spiral


Some advisors who have worried that their projections for future equity returns might need to be revised downward are reconsidering whether that is still necessary.

Frontline News

Brokers Try To Prepare For DOL Rule


Independent B-Ds are contemplating the potential impact of the Labor Department's proposed fiduciary rule.

Advisors, LTC And ‘Malpractice’


Financial advisors who aren’t incorporating long-term care planning into their practice aren’t doing their job, says one advisor.

Social Media And FAs: More Hype Than Help?


Social media is being hailed as a must-have tool for financial advisors, but a number of advisors still aren’t feeling the magic.

CE Credit For The Generational Divide


GenLink is the financial industry’s only formal training CE course (1.5 credits) to help advisors relate across five generations.