Podcast Pages

August 2024


The Rumble In The Jungle Has Begun (Ep. 5)

Ray Sclafani and Mark Hurley discuss various topics in the financial services industry, including sovereign debt, SEC regulations, the DOL fiduciary rule, lawsuits among firms, and the challenges of organic growth. They emphasize the need for advisors to think long-term and focus on adding new clients and assets, rather than relying solely on market performance and existing clients. They also highlight the importance of institutionalizing business development and creating a culture of accountability. The conversation provides insights into the current state of the industry and offers guidance for advisors looking to build their businesses.




Evolving From Dysfunctional Team To Advisory Dream Team (Ep. 3)

Although many advisory firms start out with a single person handling all the work of advising clients, bringing in new business, and managing operations and compliance, there's a limit to how many hours any one person can work, which also means that there's a cap on the amount of client growth a solo advisor can achieve before running up against their capacity limit. The obvious answer to growing beyond the capacity of a single owner/advisor is to build a team of employees (either in advisory and/or other roles like client service or operations) that can accommodate additional room for growth. And yet, not all teams are created equal: While some team members complement each other well enough to facilitate more clients and revenue, others can be problematic to the extent that the firm owner has less time to advise clients because of the additional managerial burden that a poorly functioning team creates.



Empowered By Adversity: Financial Independence With Tina Powell

Tina Powell, Chief of Community at Intention.ly, is a recent cancer survivor. The experience transformed her life, her priorities and her perspective. Listen as Tina addresses the transformative power that financial independence has on women who take charge of their financial life, now and in retirement.