FA Whitepapers

February 2019    

Upturn. Downturn. Turn to us.


We are built on a legacy of managing volatility. You can turn to New York Life Investments for insights and information on the value of building a resilient portfolio.  Download our new whitepaper, Build Resilient Portfolios to Counter Volatility, to learn about strategies for managing the most common types of volatility and why staying invested can help you achieve your long term goals.


Rolling Over Your Retirement Savings


Have clients that need help with an IRA rollover decision? This white paper is an investor-friendly look at all the options and considerations for retirement account rollovers. It’s a tool for advisors to help educate their clients on opportunities to explore, including self-directed investment choices, as well as mistakes to avoid.

Rolling Over Your Retirement Savings

Rise of the FlexGen
How a New Type of Advisor is Driving Revenue


Current challenges in the market are making it difficult for advisors who employ traditional practices to grow their businesses and to attract talent. A new generation of advisors is rising—the FlexGen Advisorssm. This report outlines the primary characteristics of the FlexGen Advisors.

Rise of the FlexGen