Pershing Offering Research, Trust Services
Jersey City, N.J.–based Pershing LLC is offering new independent research and trust services.
Pershing, a member of BNY Securities Group and a subsidiary of The Bank of New York, introduced The Rankings System (TRS) in June through NetExchange, Pershing‚s online brokerage platform for investment professionals. TRS is an independent research service that tracks the performance of mutual fund managers and teams rather than the funds themselves. Drawing on a database of some 11,700 managers, TRS ranks managers‚ performance using objective and measurable criteria.
Through TRS, Pershing‚s customers can provide their clients with unique and up-to-date insights on the best-performing individual mutual fund managers, as well as "second opinions" on manager selections and fund ratings. Investment professionals will also have access to premium content, such as "The TRS 100" and the "TRS Top 10."
Pershing also is providing its customers and their investment professionals with access to The Bank of New York‚s directed trust service. Under the program, financial advisors continue to manage the investments in their clients‚ trust portfolios while the bank, which administers all forms of trusts, acts as trustee.
For more information on Pershing, visit
Prime Index Unveiled
Russell Investment Group of Tacoma, Wash., and Nomura Securities Co. Ltd. of Tokyo have developed the Russell/Nomura Prime Index, a model for passive investment in Japanese equities.
Russell/Nomura Japan indexes, a family of 15 indexes, are frequently used for evaluating the performance of small-cap, value or growth investment strategies.
Russell Investment Group provides investment products and services in more than 35 countries. For more information, visit
SSgA Funds Takes Control
Of Two ETFs