The West Palm Beach, Fla., firm has signed an agreement with BISYS, a large independent distributor of life insurance. This arrangement enables MSC to link its representatives to more than 200 insurance carriers offering fixed-life, long-term care, disability-income and annuity products. For more information, call the MSC New Business Development Department at (800) 749-8900, ext. 3059.
MSC also has introduced its Business Builder Network, formed in collaboration with several major financial services organizations. The network delivers financial products and services to the firm‚s representatives.
The network provides preferred product and service pricing, marketing materials and sales ideas, plus interactive product research and selection. The network soon will offer mortgage services, fixed-income product resources and business succession assistance.
IDEX Launches Fund
IDEX Mutual Funds in Denver, Colo., has launched its Protected Principal Stock Fund, an equity fund with a guarantee of principal after a five-year holding period (less certain loads and expenses). A quarterly offering is running through June 27, and the first investment date is July 1.
Subadvised by Gateway Investment Advisers L.P. and managed by J. Patrick Rogers, the fund invests primarily in S&P 500 Index stocks. Each year, investors may elect to step-up their guaranteed amount and lock in any market gains. Each step-up will result in a new five-year holding period and will change the principal guarantee to the new stepped-up amount. Additional information on IDEX is available at
Allstate Introduces Annuity
The Allstate Corp. in North-brook, Ill., has introduced its Treasury-Linked Annuity, a flexible-premium deferred fixed annuity that provides a guaranteed five-year rate plus the ability to earn additional interest based on the performance of five-year U.S. Treasuries. Allstate has applied for a patent on the annuity.
New Asset-Management Service
Brinker Capital has launched Brinker Capital Managed Portfo-lios, a multi-disciplined asset-management service for financial advisors and their clients. The program combines Brinker Capital‚s investment manager due-diligence and asset-allocation expertise with FOLIOfn‚s back-office brokerage technology.