By Bill Taylor, Contributor

Move over

Dancing With the Stars



), The


and all those other super realistic television shows, here comes the real deal. CBS, which just happens to be one of the biggest broadcasters here in the U.S, is going to be airing a new Crypto TV show. No, it is


some crazy reality show but rather meant to be educational. The show will cover topics such as ICOs (initial coin offerings), mining, crypto security, exchange trading


what the future looks like for cryptocurrencies. CBS has committed to 13 episodes, to be aired in select markets, and will also be shown on the CW Network and Roku which means the show will be available to over 47 million homes.


here comes the good part. The show will be paid for in Bitcoin and all promotional sponsors will also be paying wtih Bitcoin. So, that answers one question - can Bitcoin find a use as a means of payment? The answer is yes.

With cryptocurrency now being mentioned on lots of popular TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Billions, etc.), CBS noticed and decided to jump in the crypto pool. The broadcaster reached out to Jason Appleton who is known as "Crypto Crow", a YouTuber with 73,000 followers (more after this), to get the ball rolling. Jason's YouTube videos at present are a mixture of ICO reviews and investment advice, but the future television shows will cover much more. According to CBS, this will be unique in that a YouTuber is launching their own television series and, to quote:

“Each episode will feature educational information focused on helping newcomers to the crypto space such as researching, investing and how to stay secure in their efforts while featuring ICO and cryptocurrency companies and how they affect the industry.”

The first season (first? I sense renewal already) begins June 25 on CBS New York WLNY which reaches roughly 7.3 million homes. Get ready. There are sure to be spinoffs.


The Winklevoss twins are paired with one another on

Dancing With the Cryptos


Bill Taylor is Managing Partner at Fintek Capital & a frequent contributor to FintekNews