Rule 1: There is no universal answer for any of the questions. Every answer you provide is correct.
Rule 2: The goal is not to convince or sway the opinion of your significant other; it's simply to share your individual thoughts and feelings
Rule 3: Listen openly to your partner's point of view and ask questions for clarification instead of making assumptions.
Financial professionals can add significant value to a client relationship by helping them plan for and avoid issues related to everyday life in retirement. By doing so, you will strengthen your own relationship with clients while helping them establish healthy communication skills and nurture relationships that can withstand retirement challenges.
As for the couple I was assisting, after we discussed their portfolio I simply said I was interested in helping them build both a financially and personally secure retirement. I suggested they take a few minutes to discuss how life in retirement is the same and different from before and gave them each a worksheet with the questions and ground rules. I shared that I would be willing to go through the questions with them or they could discuss them at home, emphasizing the importance of planning for more than just the financial aspects of retirement.
Robert Laura, president of SYNERGOS Financial group, a Michigan based RIA, is the author of Naked Retirement and is the co-founder of the He provides Retirement Wellness Workshops for individuals, organizations, and employers. He can be reached at [email protected].