The profits of health care insurers and drug companies are emerging as a top target for the leading 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who are promising Americans cheaper medical services.

“Competition is terrible in health care,” Bernie Sanders told CBS on Thursday, adding that eliminating the profits of private companies would cut the cost of health care significantly.

Kamala Harris, on MSNBC, said she would allow private companies to participate in her health system, but only if they play by the rules. “The status quo is not working,” she said.

Joe Biden said during Wednesday night’s debate in Detroit that he’d seek to jail executives responsible for the opioid crisis.

Climate Divides Purists, Pragmatists at Debate

Disagreements between Biden and Jay Inslee over climate change policy broke down along a progressive-moderate divide at the Democratic presidential debate on Wednesday, revealing a rift between bold ideals versus the pragmatic and possible.

“The time is up. Our house is on fire,” said Inslee, who has made climate change a centerpiece of his White House bid. He is calling for phasing out coal plants by 2030 and having all zero-emission electricity five years later.

Addressing Biden, the front-runner in the race, Inslee said “Unfortunately, your plan is just too late.”

Biden has proposed achieving 100% clean energy and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, a tax on carbon dioxide emissions and $400 billion on spending on renewable energy.

Coming Up On Saturday

At least 19 presidential candidates, including front-runners Biden, Sanders, Harris and Elizabeth Warren will participate in the 2020 Public Service Forum in Las Vegas organized by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the union for government workers.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.