
Jan. 3, 2018

/PRNewswire/ -- Today, CryptoWallet IRA, the leading provider of crypto wallet IRAs in America, proudly announces the launch of its new platform. Now everyone with a


or IRA can profit from the boom of digital currencies like Bitcoin whose spectacular returns have gathered worldwide attention.

CryptoWallet IRA offers full buying and selling services, as well as:

About CEO and President Jonathan C. Rose and CryptoWallet IRA

Jonathan C. Rose

is an authorized dealer of the United States Mint with over

$1 billion

in transactions and has a reputation as a trusted advisor featured by


and the

Huffington Post.

Having lectured at the IARFC (International Association of Registered Financial Consultant) and with his extensive background in

Precious Metals,

he is also the

Founder and CEO of

the prestigious

Capital Gold Group.

He spent the first half of his career working for firms like Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Prudential Bache Securities.

Now he spends his time working in cooperation with established multinational organizations such as Royal London Mint to bring the latest Initial Coin Offerings to the marketplace.


CryptoWallet IRA

he offers his help to even the most inexperienced investor to take part in the historic and possible once in a lifetime investment opportunity that is cryptocurrency.