Investing with religious values in mind is usually an exclusionary screen that eliminates such things as alcohol, tobacco and gambling interests from investment. In the survey, adult entertainment took over the top spot for the investments they want to avoid. The "me too" movement and a constant bombardment of sexually oriented material from media outlets may be highlighting this concern, Fernandez speculated.

Discussions about religious values are often avoided in business settings, but Fernandez said she did not feel investors would be offended if an advisor asked about what values they want included in their investment options.

Investors said they feel aligning their portfolio with their values will make achieving their investment goals easier, with younger investors feeling more strongly. Fifty percent of respondents under 50 think it is easier to achieve their investment goals with a values-based approach, but 65% of investors aged 23 to 34 think aligning your portfolio with your values makes it easier to achieve your investment goals.

"Clearly, investors care deeply about aligning their investments with their values, and they are paying attention to how they are invested," said Michael Kern, president and CEO of Crossmark. "Religious values are at the heart of how many people live their lives, and it is important for advisors to recognize what their clients value."

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