Grantham: We're Losing The 'Race Of Our Lives'
August 9, 2018
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Global warming is not accelerating. In fact over the last 20+ years there has been no significant change in the average global temps. More floods, droughts and wildfires? I doubt it. The perennial bear makes another doom and gloom prediction. Yawn.
It is encouraging to see this article in Financial Advisor Magazine. Readers of this magazine are well-positioned to advocate for a market-based solution to correct what has been a market failure since the dawn of the fossil fuel age. A recent carbon fee bill, introduced by several republicans, opens a window to a bipartisan carbon fee and dividend bill that could significantly accelerate efforts to slow down greenhouse gas levels. Coupled with more enlightened human consumption choices (e.g. plant-based diet) and sustainable farming practices, we can minimize future human suffering.
The arrogant ignorance popularized by Reagan, institutionalized by GW & taken to its extreme by Trump is the exact opposite of what we need right now. Have we forgotten the whole point of commerce, which is to improve quality of life?