Unfortunately that statute of limitations is what also limits FAs from fraudulent and frivolous lawsuits/arbitration to only 5 years back. What stops this isn't extending the timeframe, but people including Mitch going public right away. Screw dignity and catch bad guys. Everyone knew this guy was bad, but nobody talked until you started asking questions? That isn't acceptable. Also what stops this is common sense and lack of greed. "Once he smelled trouble" there wasn't enough time? Really Mitch I love your writing, but you should have smelled trouble at the start of that pitch. Diversity, asset allocation, and common sense are all things you have written on at one time or another along with clients focusing on life rather than money. No one should ever be taken for more than 10% of their net worth, because giving any more than that to a scheme becomes shame on you. It seems self serving to come out against a 1954 law only when you are hurt by it. Try fighting ACA because that is hurting far more people than this. Anyways it is all too tragic, but the way to stop this is to post on social media immediately--pictures, names and facts. Conmen get away with this because the victims feel shame and delay action. Victims need to take ownership immediately and stop being victims. That is how you stop this rather than extending good FAs risk for longer than 5 years, because trust me there are just as many bad attorneys as their are conmen. Again sorry for all the victims, but new laws to "help" always have unintended consequences--Ala ACA and No Child Left Behind.