Hitachi Solutions America Ltd., a leading provider of global industry solutions powered by the Microsoft Cloud, has released the latest version of its Ecommerce platform. This update provides a suite of sophisticated features for B2B and B2C clients that make the online sales offering more agile, intuitive, and powerful.

Significant new functionality for B2C clients include:

Highlights of new B2B features include:

“The latest version of our Ecommerce platform delivers an advanced, modern feature set that is usually only found in large enterprise-level solutions, yet it remains cost-effective and manageable for our mid-sized clients,” said Ranjit Goray, vice president of Ecommerce, Hitachi Solutions America, Ltd. “It’s exactly what they need to give their customers the personalized, omnichannel journey they expect while getting the most value out of their online presence.”

Hitachi Solutions Ecommerce is an end-to-end platform that is optimized for B2C and B2B sales and customer service. Working seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics 365, it provides a robust and responsive online sales channel that is quick and easy to implement, plays to customer interests and needs, and delivers a consistent and convenient customer-focused experience. The Ecommerce platform allows our clients to: