
Investors, wealth managers, hedge funds, endowments, etc. are always looking for where to place their money to get the best returns (duh!) and everyone's darling is "The Big A"..........Apple. Up over 25% since the start of the year so far. SO WHAT! You ain't seen nothing. Investors in BITCOIN are up about 40% so far this year. Yes,


. So far. Oh, I know there was this huge down year last year, BUT if you had rock solid blue chip General Electric (GE) you would be.....well, out a lot. Things go up and down in the financial markets. So, wondering were to invest some money? Hmmmmmm!

Bill Taylor/Fintek Capital

"It’s safe to say that Apple is seeing a good year so far in 2019. Since January 1st, the company’s shares price has increased by around 27 percent, currently trading at $200.67 per share.

Most recently, Apple’s CEO has shared his take on the company’s results for Q2 of 2019. According to the executive, one of Apple’s core strengths throughout the quarter were its services as the revenue reached $11.5 billion, representing the “best quarter ever.”

Additionally, the popular iPad product has also seen a growth in its revenue which is up 22 percent from a year ago. Wearable devices have also surged with almost 50%.

It’s not all good news, however. Apple’s iPhone, which is perhaps the company’s flagship and most popular product, has seen a decrease in revenue with 17 percent compared to a year ago.

Since Cook shared this information, however, Apple’s stock has taken a slight beating, decreasing with about 2 percent on the day, at the time of this writing.


Comparatively, the performance of Bitcoin’s price $5465.77 +0.05% throughout 2019 so far has been notably more impressive than this of Apple stock.

Year to date, Bitcoin is up 43 percent with the majority of the gains made throughout April’s rally..."

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