Nasdaq KFTX Fintech Index

Surprise, new highs. Yes, again, and fintech led the way today with the


closing at 1147 (new all time high), up

7.26 points (+0.64%)

and outperforming most other indices. It must be noted, all thanks to just 3 of the index’s 50 issues. (more below)

Right now let’s find those 3 stocks* and any others that changed at least 2 points and/or 3%.


+2.55 (242.42)


+2.10 (28.88) +7.84% *


+2.11 (17.15) +14.03% *


+10.10 (122.25) +9.01% *


-.65 (18.05) -3.48%

Where are we (fintech) going. Sleepy markets, no volatility, fewer issues moving indices and, as they say, “high and calm”. This all looks to me like a very sleepy hung over person walking on the side of a cliff looking at their iPhone. What could go wrong?

Urge caution. Have a super evening.

By Bill Taylor-CEO, Fintegration/FintekNews & CIO,

TLC Capital Group