For some clients, Giles uses alternative energy exchange-traded funds as well as socially responsible mutual funds to implement strategy. She also offers a more tailored approach and is currently working with two outside firms on a special portfolio for a large client who wants to exclude companies responsible for toxic emissions. Products from Merrill Lynch, such as a private equity fund that focuses on sustainable forestry, also find their way into the portfolios.
Because many of her clients are also interested in philanthropy, Giles offers notes from Calvert Investments. The proceeds of the notes, which require a $10,000 minimum investment, are used to fund community centers, low-income housing and other charitable causes. While the interest they pay is low, ranging from nothing to 3%, her clients don't really seem to mind.
"My clients are young, so they are not ready to give large sums of money away," she says. "At the same time, they want to have an impact and support causes they believe in."