OMG, Microsoft what have you done? Seems "Big Softie" has gone over to the "other side" and is 'cahoots' with the robot faction. They have created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can write its own code. This is really big stuff and even it's "name" - DeepCoder" - sounds ominous. I'd comment more but I don't want to scare any children that may be reading this.

"You know how teachers used to say, “You can’t cheat your way through life, so don’t cheat on this test.” They may have been right about the test...but not life.

Researchers at Microsoft and University of Cambridge have developed an Artificial Intelligence that’ll write code all by itself.

They call it DeepCoder

And it could change the job description for software developers.

The vision for DeepCoder is for a person to be able to merely give it an idea and the AI will automatically write all of the necessary code, without errors, in just seconds. More than anything, it will allow anybody with an idea to potentially build an internet business worth millions.

You’d think that DeepCoder would put a lot of programmers out of a job, but Armando Solar-Lezama, a professor at MIT, doesn’t think so. He believes this will enable programmers to attack more sophisticated problems, while the AI takes care of the tedious dirty-work.

Ironically, DeepCoder is a cheater itself

It works through a method called program synthesis, which essentially means stealing lines of code from other finished software. In the developer community, this is commonplace among the mid-to-lower level coders (script kiddies) because of the efficiency.

Currently, DeepCoder is capable of solving basic challenges one would see at programming competitions, nothing more than five lines of code at a time. But, it’s just starting out.

Its advantages are what sets it apart.

Being that it is an AI, it has very little limitations to its work capabilities, allowing it to more swiftly and thoroughly scour source code databases, and put together programs in a way humans may not have thought of...

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