People aged 45 and younger, those who are often referred to as “Next Gen” and include the huge millennial cohort, will in the future offer enormous growth opportunity for financial advisors. Numbering over 72 million, millennials are now the largest living adult generation in America according to the U.S. Census. They represent 23% of the world’s millionaires. On the other hand, some 42% of them struggle with student debt.
It’s become obvious that your firm can’t afford to ignore these young high earners, but do you really know how to talk to them? And when they rely so heavily on technology, are you using digital tools to meet their needs in a personalized way?
To serve the next generation, there are a few key factors advisors should consider.
• This group is fully aware that retirement planning should start early, but many are staring at a lot of student loan debt and haven’t even begun concentrating on long-term saving yet.
• They will have many different careers, so their futures will be far less linear than their parents’ paths were.
• They want their investments to be sustainable and have an impact on the world around them.
• As a member of this generation, I know that if someone my age has used robo-advisors like Betterment or Wealthfront or used fintech mobile apps, they most likely won’t leave those digital platforms behind to join up with a financial planner using technology that’s dated.
• If a firm offers the same information a person can glean from a website, next-generation clients will be turned off and look elsewhere.
• Younger investors may prefer to work with a handful of financial advice outlets and participate in trading themselves rather than have an exclusive account with one firm.
• If advisors want to pique the interest of next-generation clients, they need tools to clearly differentiate themselves from competitors.
It’s critical to establish relationships with younger clients now, because we’re about to see the largest-ever intergenerational wealth transfer in the United States—from the baby boomers to their heirs.
This shift, known as the “Great Wealth Transfer,” has already begun, and will mean the handover of some $68 trillion over the next 10 years. The largest percentage of that will go to millennial heirs. And reports suggest that 45% to 80% of them will fire their parents’ or grandparents’ financial advisors. It could cost your firm millions in future business if you fail to retain those clients or sign new ones. I’ve found the best way to build a bridge to next-generation offspring is to simply ask my existing clients if they want us to help their adult children. A large number of them do, and I’d bet the same is true for most advisors.
Younger people confront more uncertainty than their parents did. But they also have more choices. That means they need to see many different scenarios presented to them for protecting their future financial well-being.