Happy Tuesday, Fellow Fintechers! 
With everything going on in our beautiful but very active and agitated Republic of late, I decided to take a few days off last week to just get quiet and have re-emerged bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

In the meantime, our very competent editorial team at FA Mag has provided us with several great new posts this week.

As always, we start with the latest wealthtech news from industry guru Vasyl Soloshchuk including updates from LPL, Addepar and Advisor360. We then move onto our weekly 3 Questions Q&A. This week, we’re featuring Dave Frisone from SmartAsset, who shared in his responses that the firm had over 65 million people interact with their platform last month – amazing numbers.

Jeff Schlegel, Financial Advisor senior editor, has penned a fascinating piece for us this week recapping the results of a Boston Consulting Group study reviewing what the future of the advisory business could look like in 20 years. Jacqueline Sergeant an associate editor with Financial Advisor, has also covered news from LPL on several new advisor support tools they’ve recently rolled out including chat and email support, amongst others. Jackie has also covered news that iCapital, one of the most innovative fintechs out there in my opinion, has entered into an agreement to buy Wells Fargo’s global alternative Investments feeder fund platform

Chris Robbins, a FA Mag senior editor, published several wealthtech items for us this week as well, including news that private equity firm K1 has completed the sale of their stake in wealthtech marketing firm FMG Suite to Aurora Capital Partners.  Chris has also written an extensive piece on how advisors can better utilize social media to effectively communicate with their clients and prospects. Finally, we finish up with one last piece from Robbins this week on why advisors better get used to utilizing virtual meetings, because “they’re unlikely to go away, according to Ken Haman, managing director of the AB Advisor Institute.” We have to agree – we are doing tons more Zoom and Skype calls than ever before, and we think they’re an important new communications and sales tool that is here to stay. 

As always, fintech marches on, vacation or not. Read up and be in the know! 

Yours in Fintech,
Cindy Taylor