Cindy Taylor

Greetings Fellow Fintechers!

We changed up things for you last week with our technology newsletter, but we're back to our regular Fintech News schedule today!

We begin with our weekly roundup of wealthtech news from our resident expert Vasyl Solushchuk. From there, we have a very diverse roster of fintech content including an informative piece on the value of succession planning for wealth managers from our parter Chalice Financial Network, plus a great interview with Colleen Donohue from the trade-execution firm CAPIS on how their company successfully incorporates diversity initiatives within their workplace, their vendor relationships and their charity outreach.

Next, we examine how crypto would play into portfolio planning in a gray swan event and, in that vein, examine what a gray swan event actually is. That's followed by a look at fintech valuations from Lex Sokolin, one of the preeminnent thought leaders in the space. We conclude with a fascinating piece on how AI firms are looking to insert common sense into their algorithms, and learn that it isn’t all that easy.



Cindy Taylor/Publisher