Smartleaf, a Boston-based overlay management platform, announced that it has added strategies from Melius Investments to its model hub.
Melius Investments is a dba of MIGMIR, an RIA that offers strategies using ensemble active management, or EAM. EAM uses AI and machine learning within its investment capabilities in hopes of outperforming both passive indexes and traditional active managers.
"Our clients are increasingly skeptical of traditional active management,” said Jerry Michael, co-founder and president of Smartleaf, in comments released on Tuesday. “Melius's EAM Portfolios are a stand-out example of the type of innovation that our clients are looking for. We are delighted that Melius's Portfolios and the power of Ensemble Active Management will now be available to our clients."
Smartleaf will add 10 portfolios from Melius covering the primary U.S. equity asset classes and specialty solutions including an ESG portfolio.
Melius’s EAM portfolios use a multi-expert approach to construct portfolios of up to 50 stocks based on the highest consensus agreement across managers.