vacation island

How Much Real Vacation Are You Taking Every Year?

October 9 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET

When Advisors are asked this question, they often respond to us with the question, “What do you mean by “REAL” vacation?”

REAL vacation is time away from the office where you are fully UNPLUGGED from work. You are NOT checking email, NOT calling the office, NOT reading business books and magazines, NOT even following the markets or watching the news or doing anything that makes you think about work. One 22-year veteran recently said to us, “by those standards, I haven’t had a vacation in 22 years.”

With the benefit of the definition, how much “REAL” vacation will you take this year?

Can you imagine a point in your near future where you can take many weeks every year of REAL vacation? This is a time where you are totally unplugged and purely having fun with your friends and family. What has to happen to make that real for you?

Well, not surprisingly, it’s not going to happen by accident. If you are ever going to tap your true earning potential and have the quality of life you really want, YOU are going to have DO something to make it happen.

One step in the right direction is to register for this complimentary LIVE training with Bill Bachrach on October 9 at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern.

Bill is looking forward to having you join him on this powerful training session to help you accelerate your results and take lots of REAL vacation.

“Before I started working with Bachrach & Associates, Inc. I was charging $3k per client, now I am charging $45k per client. My current total revenue is $1,250,000 per year. What enabled me to do this was the skill and confidence that I gained. Not only has my business improved but also my personal life and health. I can now truly focus on the things that are most important to me.”– Sang K.

“I built my $1.5M fee-based business by implementing this powerful repeatable process. I wish I had this process from my first day in the business!” – Sybil P.