"In 6 short years I built a $12M RIA Firm into a $125M RIA Firm with a simple multi-faceted approach….increasing its valuation multiple by 18%.

I did this using many of the effective traditional prospect marketing approaches we all use today…..WITH one key addition." Craig Wear, CFP® - Founder of Q3 Advisors


88 million Americans have trillions of dollars in 401k accounts, yet very few of them get specific advice on how to invest those funds. They are relegated to a LifeCycle fund that they never change,or confusion surrounding making the best choices and combination of investments.

Their adviser, if they have one, has a very difficult time providing timely and ongoing advice on 401k accounts as well. Doing so is liability ridden and very inefficient use of valuable time, and until recently, there has been little to no financial incentive to do so.

However, the security and return of those retirement assets has everything to do with the lifestyle of advisers' clients into retirement, and is often one of their client's largest assets.

Enter Active401k - a

NON-DISCRETIONARY and COMPLIANT investment advice service that is available to any participant of any 401k in America, through their adviser. Active401K provides advisers with a powerful new marketing tool to augment their other marketing and new client acquisition efforts.

Active401k-A Revolutionary Turnkey Program to:

A Recent Case Study:

Justin K. & Steve P. (CA) added 30+ new relationships by adding and marketing Active401K™ in under 100 days!

The KEY that opened the door - Active401K™

Active401k is available on a subscription basis to 401k plan holders, offered primarily from their adviser. The service provides specific investment advice, customized by their partnership with Riskalyze. The client receives periodic notification via email and text message and then simply logs into their 401k account to make the changes. The client stays in control, the adviser maintains the relationship, and hopefully the client receives a greater lifestyle down the road.

If you would like to learn more about the missing piece that can elevate your growth, click here.

If you have any questions about the missing piece, contact Brian Zaitz at [email protected].

www.Active401k.com Q3_Advisors_-_Active401K_Master_Presentation.pdf