The World Value Index has released what it says are the most valuable brands based on purpose, not profit.

The Index measures brands on awareness of purpose, alignment with purpose, whether people will actively support that purpose, and if purpose impacts purchase.

Here are the top 10 brands:


The embroilment of its spokesman Jared Fogle, who was caught in a child pornography scandal, did not seemingly dent the brand. It is the largest single-brand restaurant chain in the world.


9. Dove

To be sure, the index survey was conducted before Dove’s advertising controversy. Dove, the soap-maker owned by Unilever, has aligned itself with “purpose” for more than a decade through its Campaign for Real Beauty and Self-Esteem Fund.


8. Microsoft

The maker of Windows still has its loyal fan base. As the leading pioneer of the personal computing era, its history is legend.



The Young Men’s Christian Association has two billion beneficiaries and aims to “empower young people.”


6. World Wildlife Fund

The WWF aims to reduce human impact on the environment and is the world’s largest conservation organization. It has more than five million supporters worldwide and operates in 100 countries.


5. Google

“Don’t be evil” is the famous motto of the internet search firm’s corporate code of conduct. Apparently, it resonates with consumers, too.


4. Save the Children

An organization that can never be faulted sheerly by its name alone. It promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.


3. Amazon

Its ubiquity alone is reason enough to make the list, but Amazon’s mission statement should not be forgotten: “Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” And it pretty much delivers.


2. Girls Scouts of the USA

It's in the news more these days because of girls being accepted into the Boys Scouts, but the Girls Scouts prepares girls to empower themselves and promotes compassion, courage, confidence, character, leadership, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.


1. Goodwill

Its name perhaps says it all, but beyond donated goods, it provides job training, employment placement services and community based programs.