The thought of summertime evokes visions of vacation, relaxation and time with family and friends. As you head into the warmer months, you’re probably winding down from a very busy first half and tax season. Hopefully, a well-deserved vacation is on the horizon and you take some time to recharge your batteries.

Many advisors fall into the summertime slump. To avoid it, try not to lose focus of the goals you set for yourself and your practice or postpone their progress. The summertime can be a productive time if you take some simple steps to keep your momentum going during these months.

Don’t fall prey to the summertime slump! Summertime is a great time for rejuvenation, but also a strategic time for reorganization and preparation for the busier months ahead. Happy summer!

Ken Unger is the founder of The Academy of Preferred Financial Advisor Inc., a coaching and training company for mid- to high-level financial advisors. Unger has over 30 years of industry experience, with over 16 years developing the industry’s top financial advisors.