This is the 16th year William Mills Agency has published

Bankers As Buyers

. This year’s report delves into some topics we have not deeply explored in previous editions.

Talent development is critical within a financial institution. Keeping those talented individuals while helping them further develop is critical to maintaining a successful operation.

Building relationships with small businesses is beneficial to the financial institution but can also be good for the small businesses themselves. Offering additional products and services that meet the small business customer’s needs is a way to deepen the relationship, and to do that, financial institutions need better insights, which come from advanced data collection and analysis.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the more popular terms being discussed everywhere these days, and it has everyone talking. The concept of AI is based on the idea of building machines capable of thinking, acting, and learning like humans (and in many cases, outperforming us). We will be seeing more AI used to help improve the overall user experience.

And lastly, this year we have included more contributed content from Financial Industry Thought Leaders than in the past, 14 to be exact. The topics range from Big Data to Mobile Payments, from Digital Transformation to Strengthening Commercial Portfolios. So, I invite you to sit down and read the 2019

Bankers As Buyers

. I would love to hear your thoughts on how the 2020 edition can surpass the 2019 one. Feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Best regards,

Scott Mills, APR

William Mills