FA Retirement 2014

 2014 Speaker Presentations

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
9:05 am – 9:55 am SESSION A
Equity-Income Investing For Retirement

Clients entering what could be a retirement lasting three decades or more require a combination of income and capital appreciation. In this session, several institutional investors will discuss their strategies for providing investors with growth and income portfolios built to last.

MODERATOR: Jeff Schlegel, Financial Advisor and Private Wealth Magazines

1. Thomas Warren, American Funds
2. Michael Jamison, Barrett Asset Management
3. Randy Bateman, Huntington

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
9:05 am – 9:55 am SESSION B
Tax-Efficient Retirement Withdrawal Strategies

As clients enter retirement, the need to protect their nest eggs takes on new urgency. Hear our experts discuss ways for clients to minimize the tax bite on retirement withdrawals and potentially maintain greater account balances as a result.

1. Jim Johnson, Allianz
2. Joseph Votava, Jr., CFP, Seneca Advisors LLC

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
10:35 am – 11:25 am SESSION A
Women, Wealth And Retirement

The combination of demographic trends and what surveys show about women’s retirement priorities paints a compelling picture why financial advisors cannot afford to ignore this important audience. Yet most women do not work with a financial advisor to create and maintain a retirement plan. This session will explore what advisors can do to relate to female clients and strengthen their ties with them.

1. Hannah Shaw Grove, Private Wealth Magazine
2. Deena Katz, Chairman, Evensky & Katz / Associate Professor, Texas Tech University

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
10:35 am – 11:25 am SESSION B
Low-Volatility Investing For Retirement

One of the major lessons of the last decade is how damaging a bear market can be to people just beginning retirement. So-called sequential risk—retiring in a year like 2001 or 2008—can permanently impair a client’s capital and put them in a hole from which it can become impossible to escape. The upshot is that many investment companies and advisors have created low volatility portfolios so that clients’ assets suffer minimal damage in the event of a bear market and survive to play another day.

MODERATOR: Robert Laura, SYNERGOS Financial Group

1. Dan Thibeault, GL Capital Partners
2. Michael Winchell, Larkin Point
3. Frank Barbera, Sierra Mutual Funds
11:30 am – 12:20 pm SESSION A
Income-Producing Alternatives To Bonds

Panelists will discuss alternatives to bonds that can produce a reliable stream of current income for retirees. Many of these alternatives provide higher yields than traditional bonds, low volatility and low correlation to other investments, and can provide portfolio diversification benefits. These investments may also help clients match income against long term liabilities.

MODERATOR: Tom Kostigen, Private Wealth and Financial Advisor Magazines

1. William Kahane, American Realty Capital
2. Leonard Tannenbaum, CFA, Fifth Street Management LLC
3. Christian Magoon, Yieldshares

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
11:30 am – 12:20 pm SESSION B
Finding Hidden Assets For Retirement

Life Settlements are a practice not everyone has heard about, but something everyone should know about.  Did you know that you may be able to sell your life insurance policy? Regulatory framework and governmental involvement have brought this industry out into the open for the seniors of America. This session will focus on the history of life settlements, its current role in retirement and estate planning, and how financial professionals can get access to factual information. It will also cover the life settlement process from a buyers prospective, a brokers prospective, and a financial advisors prospective. Lastly, the session will discuss the investment side of the coin and how the integration of capital markets is driving the industry’s growth.

MODERATOR: Jason Plucinak, GWG Life

1. Jon Sabes, GWG Life
2. Mark Mrky, Life Insurance Settlements Inc.

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
 2:15 pm – 3:05 pm

Longevity: The impact on LTC and Social Security Strategies

Life expectancy has a significant impact on retirement income planning. This session will focus how longevity impacts Long Term Care solutions and Social Security strategies. Hedging strategies to mitigate longevity risk will be discussed next to health care costs and Social Security claiming decisions.

MODERATOR: Michael Zmistowski, Financial Planning Association of Florida

1. Philip Walker, Urban Financial of America
2. David Leonardi, M.D., Leonardi Institute
3. William Meyer, Social Security Solutions, Inc.

CE credit approved for CIMA designations

2:15 pm – 3:05 pm SESSION B
Two Schools Of Thought: Academics vs. Advisors On Retirement Income

This session will focus on the similarities and differences between two fundamental schools of thought on retirement withdrawal income strategies. Advisors tend to be probability-driven while academics take a safety-first approach. The probability-based school of thought derives from the safe withdrawal rate research created primarily by financial planners since the 1990s. This view takes the client’s lifestyle spending goal as the priority, and argues that systematic withdrawals from a diversified portfolio, when based on a withdrawal rate that would have worked historically, will be fundamentally sustainable over a client’s lifetime. The contrasting school is the safety-first approach developed in academia since the 1920s and also called lifecycle finance. In this school, spending goals are segmented between essential and discretionary needs, and clients use different investing strategies for each type of goal. Basic needs must be met, and so safe assets such as TIPS and inflation-adjusted annuities are strongly recommended as there is no such thing as a safe withdrawal rate from volatile assets, though they can be used to fund more discretionary goals.

MODERATOR: Deena Katz, Chairman, Evensky & Katz / Associate Professor, Texas Tech University

1. Dan Moisand, CFP, Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo, LLC
2. Wade D. Pfau, PhD, CFA, The American College

CE credit approved for CIMA designations
3:45 pm – 4:35 pm Delivering Better Retirement Outcomes
Two nationally known and respected financial advisors address why different software programs result in dramatically different projected outcomes and how advisors can integrate different approaches, such as cash flow vs. capital needs analysis.

MODERATOR: Evan Simonoff, Financial Advisor and Private Wealth Magazines

1. Harold Evensky, Evensky & Katz
2. Rick Adkins, The Arkansas Financial Group

CE credit approved for CIMA designations

4:40 pm – 5:10 pm General Session: Richard Weylman
Clarifying the Value You Deliver

• Learn What The Affluent Want Today From Their Advisor
• Discover The Power Of Positioning and What It Means for Your Business
• Effectively Articulate Your Value Based on What the Affluent Want to Hear – Not Based on What You Want to Say!
• Live Out Your Unique Value Promise With Clients and Prospects
• How to Execute Brilliantly!

Sponsored by
RS Investments

CE credit approved for CIMA designations

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
9:05 am – 9:55 am SESSION A
Retirement Solutions With Fixed Annuity, Target Date, Balanced And Stable Value Funds

Fixed annuity, stable value, balanced and target date funds are valuable tools for assisting advisors who seek preservation of their client’s principal, with a modest investment return. Similarly, interest is growing in products that seek to provide automatic diversification, such as managed accounts (a fee-based third-party service) and custom portfolio funds.

MODERATOR: Michael Zmistowski, Financial Planning Association of Florida

1. Sri Reddy, Prudential
2. Mark Cremler, Gremler Financial
3. Michael Baney, Allianz

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
9:05 am – 9:55 am SESSION B
Generating Income Using Alternative Investments

For many clients, alternative investments may be a good choice to generate income from sources that are less correlated with traditional bonds and dividend-paying investments.  What alternatives are available and for which clients are they appropriate? Our panelists provide answers.

MODERATOR: Mark Plummer, Chestnut Exploration, Inc.

1. Christopher Goolgasian, State Street Global Advisors
2. Kevin White, ARCP
3. Colin Lake, RS Funds

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
10:35 am – 11:25 am SESSION A
What Clients Don’t Know About Medicare That Could Wreck Their Retirement
Dr. Katy Votava, GOODCARE.com
With cutbacks in Medicare and private health insurance and as the cost of medical care grows, more people are worried about how they can retire and afford health care. Dr. Katy Votava, a Medicare expert, will discuss these challenges and provide examples of how you can help clients plan for these costs.

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
10:35 am – 11:25 am SESSION B
Identifying Stress-Points in Client Retirement Portfolios

Daniel Satchkov, RiXtrema
Clients who have retired or are approaching retirement face a host of financial scenarios that could change their lifestyle in retirement. These scenarios include rising interest rates, a surge in commodities and inflation driving up costs for necessities like housing and food and a demographic donnybrook, when entitlements reach a breaking point, and affluent clients find their Social Security and Medicare benefits means-tested. In this session, portfolio stress-testing expert Daniel Satchkov will examine these and other scenarios and outline a few steps to mitigate them.

CE credit approved for CIMA designations
11:30 am – 12:20 pm

Reverse Mortgage Opportunities
New rules being implemented for reverse mortgages may prompt more lenders to work with financial planners and their clients. Experts on this panel will bring you up to date on the changes and the opportunities for your clients to have a more secure retirement.

MODERATOR: Michael Zmistowski, Financial Planning Association of Florida

1. Sherry Apanay, Urban Financial of America
2. Colin Cushman, Generation Mortgage Company

Accepted for CFP Board CE Credit and CIMA designations
1:50 pm – 3:00 pm Advisors' Answers To Controlling Risk and Reducing Volatility
The last 15 years have driven home the problem of sequential risk, or retiring at the start of a vicious bear market, as never before. This experience has prompted innovative advisors to devise new portfolio strategies that limit clients' exposure to severe drawdowns that can compromise their lifestyle. In this session, two prominent advisors will explain the thinking behind the strategies they have developed, what they can do and what they can't.

MODERATOR: Daniel Satchkov, RiXtrema

1. Lou Stanasolovich, Legend Financial Advisors, Inc.
2. Rob Isbits, Sungarden Investment Research

CE credit approved for CIMA designations


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