2014 Speakers
Russ Alan Prince
Russ Alan Prince is one of the leading authorities within the private wealth industry. He regularly consults to the rich and super-rich concerning the mindset and behaviors that translate into extreme personal wealth creation.
Edward Renn
Edward Renn is a leading private client attorney. He is an internationally recognized provider of tax intelligent bright line transactions incorporating life insurance for the very wealthy.
Marc Rinaldi
Partner-In-Charge, O'Connor Davies
Marc Rinaldi is the partner-in-charge of O’Connor Davies, LLP Financial Services Group (ODFS), a division of PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP; and the CEO of ODB Fund Services, LLC (ODB). Rinaldi is a leader in the field of investment and entity accounting, alternative investment accounting, ASU 820 valuation, risk management and international investment banking and proprietary trading. Marc has over 30 years of broad and extensive experience in the financial services industry.
Frank W. Seneco
President, Seneco & Associates
Frank W. Seneco is president of Seneco & Associates, an advanced planning boutique located in New Haven, Connecticut. He specializes in working with financial and wealth advisors to provide cutting edge bright line transactions for financial elite clients such as major celebrities, hedge fund managers and successful business owners. He’s co-author of Protecting the Family Fortune.
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