Millennials plan to shop this coming holiday season—but not necessarily to buy gifts for friends and family.

A national survey conducted by personal finance site Money Under 30 found this generation is more likely to spend more on themselves.

Some 52 percent of millennials (defined as ages 18 to 34) will spend more than $100 on themselves this holiday season, but only 15.7 percent were likely to spend more than $100 on gifts for others, according to the national survey of 1,000 respondents.

Other key discoveries from the report:

On a positive note, millennials aren’t all grinches. Some 44.6 percent said they plan to spend $100 to $500 on presents for others while 22.54 percent plan to spend $500 to $1,000, and 11.49 percent will rack up $1,000 to $2,000 in holiday gift-giving.

With the new year just weeks away, the site asked the group about the state of their finances in 2019, and their level of optimism looking forward to 2019 and beyond.

Some 59 percent of millennials reported being better off financially than they were last year (compared with 46 percent of other Americans). And the optimism doesn’t end with this year; 76 percent of millennials said they think they’ll be better off financially in 2019 than they are now (compared with 55 percent of other Americans).

As for end-of-year bonuses: 52.2 percent of millennials said they don’t get one, while 15.72 percent said they’d save it and 14.15 percent said they’d use it to pay off debt.

But the Money Under 30 site does report the respondents’ willingness to be frugal, at least when it comes to cost-cutting on gift-giving ideas for others. When asked, “How likely are you to participate in creative cost-saving activities during the holiday season—such as a Secret Santa, a potluck dinner, a book exchange, or any other method of saving money?”—69 percent of millennials said they were likely to participate, compared with 56 percent of older respondents.

To view the full survey, click here.