2014 Conference Agenda |
**Times subject to change** |
September 29th |
8:00 – 9:00am |
Continental Breakfast |
8:55 – 9:00am |
Intro and Welcome David Smith, Founding Publisher, Financial Advisor & Private Wealth Magazines |
9:00 – 10:15am |
The Family Office Platform Insights into the various forms family offices are taking. A discussion of the cost-effectiveness of the different components. Moderator: Hannah Shaw Grove, Private Wealth magazine Panelists: Richard J. Flynn, Flynn Family Office Gemma Leddy, O'Connor Davies PKF |
10:15 – 10:30am |
Break |
10:30 – 12:00pm |
Investing for the Wealthy Presentations and a discussion of cutting-edge concepts and ideas in managing money for the ultra-affluent. Moderator: Evan Jehle, Flynn Family Office Panelists: Daniel Satchkov, RiXtrema Michael Winchell, Larkin Point Investment Advisors Charlie Garcia, C. Garcia and Associates |
12:00 – 1:00pm |
Lunch Building Your Team of Specialists This panel will focus on how to identify and work with various specialists. It will also address the way money moves between various types of specialists. Moderator: Hannah Shaw Grove, Private Wealth magazine Panelists: Richard J. Flynn, Flynn Family Office Edward Renn, WithersBergman Frank W. Seneco, Seneco & Associates |
1:00 – 2:00pm |
Private Aircraft Travel: How to navigate around the many options and understanding their value while protecting family assets A panel of selected private aviation leaders will describe the variety of available opportunities that your client can most effectively access private aircraft including ownership structures, legal matters and insurance and family asset preservation considerations. Moderator: H. Lee Rohde, Essex Aviation Group Panelists: Stephen P. Johns, LL Johns and Associates Ed Kammerer, Hinckley Allen & Snyder |
2:00 – 4:00pm |
Mitigating Taxes Legally and Cost-Effectively Tax mitigation is on the top of the to-do list of the wealthy. This session will address the most recent bright line strategies and how sophisticated wealthy clients use them. Moderator: Hannah Shaw Grove, Private Wealth magazine Panelists: Edward Renn, WithersBergman Thomas Riggs, O'Connor Davies PKF Alan Kufeld, Flynn Family Office Frank W. Seneco, Seneco & Associates |
September 30th |
8:00 – 9:00am |
Breakfast |
9:00 – 10:00am |
Money in Motion As significant monies move between individuals, there are opportunities to capture assets and obtain other business Moderator: Hannah Shaw Grove, Private Wealth magazine Panelists: Richard J. Flynn, Flynn Family Office Michelle Smith, Source Financial Advisors |
10:00 – 10:15am |
Break |
10:15 – 11:15am |
Managing Personal Liability What are the strategies and products that are most effective in mitigating personal risks? The experts will provide key issues to consider in dealing with this matter. Presenter: David Byrne, Starkweather & Shepley Insurance |
11:15am – 12:00pm |
Private Foundations for the Wealthy There's a boom in private foundation. They key trends affecting the wealthy motivated to establish and run private foundations will be explained. Moderator: Evan Jehle, Flynn Family Office Panelists: Chris Peterman, O'Connor Davies Edward Renn, WithersBergman |
12:00pm – 1:00pm |
Lunch Connected Care The future of high-quality medicine for the affluent – and everyone else – is connected care. This session will explain this evolving cutting-edge medical practice model. Presenter: Daniel Carlin, M.D., World Clinic |
1:00pm – 1:30pm |
Using Direct Real Estate as a Fixed Income Alternative Presenter: Lori D. Perro, Waypoint Residential, LLC This session will include economic data and compare historical returns in real estate vs. fixed income and equities. |
1:30 – 2:30pm |
Increasing Your Revenue by 40% or More Without Adding a Single New Client An explanation of one of the most effective processes to capably bring the various expertise of the family office to work with wealthy and wealtheir clients and profit handsomely. Presenter: Russ Alan Prince |
2:30 – 3:00pm |
Concluding Comments; Q&A |
Format and Cost of the Workshop The price for the workshop is $499 per attendee. Registration Please go to www.fa-mag.com/mfo-registration |
Payments, Cancellations and Refunds: The fee must be paid in full by (date that is 4 weeks ahead of conference date). Participants canceling up to four weeks before the workshop will be entitled to a full refund minus an (amount in percent) administrative fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations made after this date. |
Disclaimer: Events may change the relative emphasis given to each element of the program or necessitate an adjustment in the topics that are covered. In order to assure an appropriate participant mix, attendance at the workshop is at the sole discretion of the organizer. |
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