March 2019
The Big 3 Keys to Advisor Growth in 2019
Market volatility can be an opportunity to communicate your value to clients and prospects – and grow your business
Market downturns are often when clients need their financial advisors most
When the market is volatile, your clients need your wisdom and perspective, and they need to feel you're on top of it all.
One of the best ways you can be there for them is by communicating the value of your advisory firm — consistently.

Portfolio Resiliency In A Volatile World:
Shareholder Yield Strategy
Our new whitepaper explores building a resilient portfolio in volatile markets. What does “resilient” mean in the context of an equity portfolio? From our perspective, it is a robust investment process focused on capturing the most stable sources of return, which has historically helped portfolios recover from declines more quickly than the broader market. Want to learn more? Be sure to download our whitepaper with insight from Bill Priest, CEO, Co-CIO and Portfolio Manager at Epoch Investment Partners.

Upturn. Downturn. Turn to us.
We are built on a legacy of managing volatility. You can turn to New York Life Investments for insights and information on the value of building a resilient portfolio. Download our new whitepaper, Build Resilient Portfolios to Counter Volatility, to learn about strategies for managing the most common types of volatility and why staying invested can help you achieve your long term goals.