Tax Planning & Strategies

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When the IRS Comes Auditing

by Bruce W. Fraser

Our writer tells how he learned to greatly appreciate his financial advisor when he faced the classic taxpayer's nightmare: an audit.

Swiss Ruling No Help To Foreign Account Holders

It may seem like a win for U.S. taxpayers, but a new Swiss court ruling in the UBS AG tax evasion case is not likely to help those who hid money in Swiss bank accounts.

Haiti Donations Eligible For '09 Tax Returns


People who give to charities providing earthquake relief in Haiti can claim the donations this year under recently adopted tax provisions, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

What Transaction-Tax Foes Don't Say

Estimates suggest the burden the tax would place on mutual fund investors would, while real, be smaller than other controversial fees investors have paid for years.

IRS Allows Fix On Deferred Compensation Tax

The Internal Revenue Service has just offered a chance to fix costly errors related to deferred compensation plans.

Higher Tax Rates Ahead, So Make The Most Of 2010

High-income folks will likely take the brunt of pain as the Bush-era tax cuts expire at the end of 2010.

Managing Social Security Benefits

by Mitchell Kauffman

A financial advisor suggests six areas to consider when helping clients decide when to take Social Security benefits. 

Chasing Returns

by Marla Brill

Emerging market ETFs are big winners this year, but concerns about unsustainable values are mounting.

Same-Sex Couples Get Unequal Estate-Tax Treatment

Same-sex couples pay more to the government than their heterosexual counterparts under the federal estate tax.

Wealthy Clients Face New Taxes From Health-Care Overhaul

Wealthy taxpayers can count on helping to pay for the health-care overhaul, no matter which version of the legislation Congress adopts in the end.

Senate Eyes Medicare Tax Hike

Senate Democrats are weighing increasing Medicare payroll taxes on wealthy Americans to plug a financing gap in a health-care overhaul bill, say people familiar with discussions.

Wednesday Deadline Approaching For Foreign Accounts

by Seth J. Entin

People who haven't reported ownership of foreign accounts by September 23 may face jail time and fines.

Harvesting 'Green' Tax Benefits

by Ralph S. Watson II

Energy-efficiency credits and deductions are sprinkled throughout the tax code.

A Bigger Net

by Mary Rowland

If mistakes are made with a trust, a beneficiary may soon be able to sue more than the trustee.

'Big Bang' Predicted From Tax, Retirement Law Changes


Changes in federal law over the next few months could dramatically impact clients' retirement plans.

Making Hay While The Sun Shines

by Richard A. Behrendt

"Opportunity is knocking." That's been the mantra of estate planners recently as the first half of 2009 has been ripe for high-net-worth clients to consider some very robust estate planning.

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