There are worries excessive payments to private insurers will add to Medicare's financial stress.
But only 25% work with a financial planner, according to a new CFP Board study.
People in the U.S. live with illness for 12.4 years on average.
EBRI and Transamerica found more than 58% of workers retire earlier than planned.
The rule could expand access for millions of Americans with obesity and create a huge new medical bill.
Kaival Patel of New Jersey hatched a scheme to get reimbursements for fraudulent prescriptions, prosecutors said.
Leaders of the nation's largest retiree advocacy group vowed to hold the president-elect to his promise.
Advisors can help clients choose the right Medicare plan.
A Guardian survey finds money to be the top source of stress in life, beating physical and mental health worries.
The failure of a little-known fintech company as trapped over $100 million in customers' money on apps.
The updated ratings will determine bonus payments for Medicare Advantage plans for 2025.
Health insurance companies say they're losing profits as states remove millions from the Medicaid program.
Interest in the weight-loss drug GLP-1 has inspired two funds, one active, one passive.
The top cause of concern was inflation, especially healthcare costs.
Medicare's hospital insurance trust fund's viability improves, adding five years.
Using HSAs for long-term compounding can seriously add to clients' wealth. So why aren't more advisors recommending the strategy?
The national healthcare system for the aged is so complicated it can confuse even financial professionals.
Why don't more advisors recommend using health savings accounts for long-term growth?
It may be best to reserve your client's Roth conversion between the ages of 65 and 70.
Regulators didn't boost payments for private Medicare plans like the industry expected.