A PGIM survey suggests even $50,000 in savings can make all the difference in a retiree's outlook.
The knowledge gap represents an opportunity for advisors, the company said.
They fear not having enough savings and that Social Security could be depleted, a Schroders survey says.
The COLA forecast has dropped from 2.63% to 2.57% last month, the Senior Citizens League said.
One analysis said such a move would cut the program's lifespan by a year and impact Medicare.
A PGIM survey suggests even $50,000 in savings can make all the difference in a retiree's outlook.
But their concerns about inflation and market volatility have eased.
The projected hike fails to keep up with a steep rise in food prices, the Senior Citizens League said.
A panel at INSITE 2024 delved into the tools and strategies for unwinding retirees' assets.
Clients with noncovered pensions can have any potential Social Security benefits reduced or eliminated.
Medicare's hospital insurance trust fund's viability improves, adding five years.
Australia's pile of cash won't completely sustain the country's aging population.
The program would reduce withholding on overpayments from 100% to 10%, the program's commissioner said.
After retirement confidence fell off a cliff in 2022, rising wages may be boosting spirits, researchers said.
Bold reform is urgently needed for America's retirement system--and surprisingly possible.
Seventy-seven percent of voters in the seven swing states like the idea.
Gen X is waiting at the door for lessons in Social Security. Show them you haven't forgotten them.
The national healthcare system for the aged is so complicated it can confuse even financial professionals.
Laura Carstensen's new book is a must-read for financial advisors.
People are afraid the program will run out of funds, but they risk a 50% cut in benefits if they take money out early, says this expert.